Together, Let’s Cut Through the Confusion Q: It sounds like over-the-counter hearing instruments are going to be available soon, but aren’t they already here? I’ve seen various devices advertised, so I’m confused. Help! A: From over-the-counter hearing aids and personal...
A: You’re already off to an ideal start — it’s important to see a trained hearing professional. They’ll help you make safe, effective decisions about your hearing health. But let’s get to some specifics — keep the following in mind....
As we learn more about how nutrition affects health, many folks are taking a functional medicine approach to fine-tuning their diets — eating the right foods to prevent certain conditions. You’ve no doubt heard of heart-healthy foods as well as...
Better Hearing Is a Process, Not an Event When you get hearing devices, your hearing improves dramatically. But there’s still plenty of fine-tuning to do. That’s why an experienced hearing care professional schedules follow-ups. As you encounter different environments in...
Next to pain, itching is probably the most uncomfortable physical sensation we experience. It is annoying, distracting, and in some cases, absolutely maddening. When that itching occurs in a place we can’t reach, it can be difficult to find relief,...
Q: Why Do My Ears Feel So Congested? A: Good question! When folks talk about congestion, most people naturally think about nasal passageways, but ears can feel pretty plugged up, too. Let’s talk about what might be going on when ears...
These guidelines can help ensure you hear your best no matter what costume you choose It’s that time of year again: crunchy leaves underfoot, a crisp chill in the air, beautiful fall colors, apple cider, shorter days and longer nights,...
When it comes to ear cleaning, be gentle and consider leaving it to the professionals. The general consensus that we shouldn’t insert objects like cotton swabs into the ear canal is good advice, but many people disregard it because they feel they...
March is National Nutrition Month, and that makes this an especially great time to talk about hearing wellness and nutrition. Never thought about food in relation to your ears? You’re not alone. But considering food is a critical source of...