Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)

Rhinitis, often known as Hay Fever, is a nasal inflammation arising from a reaction to allergens. The body, mistakenly identifying these harmless irritants as threats, releases histamine. This in turn triggers inflammation, which is marked by mucus production and itching in areas like nasal passages, sinuses, and eyelids.
Allergic Rhinitis: A Global Concern
Hay Fever is a global health concern affecting numerous people, from children to adults. Asthmatics, in particular, experience a high prevalence of this condition with an estimated 75% affected.
The Dual Nature of Allergic Rhinitis
- Seasonal: Often termed “hay fever,” this type emerges predominantly during pollen seasons and doesn’t usually affect children under six years. While spring and early summer are the primary culprits, the condition may also manifest in fall, depending on individual allergic sensitivities.
- Perennial: A year-round condition, perennial rhinitis often traces back to environmental triggers such as dust or mold. It is commonly diagnosed in younger children, but can affect individuals of any age.
Identifying the Symptoms
The manifestation of allergic rhinitis can differ among individuals. However, some symptoms are widespread, including:
- Sneezing
- Congestion
- Runny nose
- Itchy nose, throat, eyes, and ears
- Nosebleeds
Children with perennial rhinitis might also experience recurring ear infections, snoring, mouth breathing, fatigue, and the “allergic salute”—a noticeable line across the bridge of their nose from frequent upward rubbing.
Common Allergen Triggers
- Pollen
- Dust mites
- Mold
- Animal dander
Diagnosing Hay Fever
At the ENT, Sinus & Hearing Care Center, the diagnosis starts with an in-depth medical history followed by a physical examination. Dark under-eye circles or swollen nasal tissue might also indicate allergic rhinitis. Further, an allergist may suggest a skin prick test to pinpoint the most problematic allergens.
Effective Treatments for Allergic Rhinitis
While avoiding allergens is the primary solution, it’s often easier said than done. There’s a range of safe and potent medications to alleviate the symptoms:
- Antihistamines: These counteract histamine release, reducing itching, sneezing, and mucus production. While many are available over-the-counter, some require prescriptions. Remember to consult with a physician before deciding the dosage, especially as some antihistamines may cause drowsiness.
- Nasal Sprays: Corticosteroid sprays reduce sinus swelling and inflammation, aiding in mucus drainage. Decongestant nasal sprays, on the other hand, target blood vessels in the nose, reducing swelling and congestion. It’s essential to consult with a doctor regarding their appropriate and safe usage.
- Immunotherapy: In cases where conventional treatments don’t suffice, immunotherapy might be the next step. Based on the skin prick test’s results, this involves repeated allergen injections to diminish the body’s histamine response over several years.
Prevention: A Step Toward Allergy-Free Living
Reducing exposure to allergens is a proactive approach:
- Operate an air purifier during pollen seasons
- Avoid areas with tall grasses and flowering trees
- Limit time in dusty environments
- Wear protective masks in moldy spaces
- Minimize contact with animals that shed dander
- Regularly clean living spaces of pet hair
- Use anti-allergen covers on bedding items
Always remember, at ENT, Sinus & Hearing Care Center, your well-being is our priority. Seek professional advice for accurate diagnosis and treatment.